The data included in the dashboard are completed and arrived encounters in primary care and behavioral health departments by patients 12 years old and older. The current date range for patient encounters is from October 2020 through August 2022. The total number of encounters is 9,065 and total number of unique patients is 1,731.


In there were:

unique patients

total encounters

PHQ-2 screens

PHQ-9 screens

GAD-7 screens

AUDIT-C screens

Encounters and patients over time


PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 are standardized clinical depression assessments that screen for clinical depression. The general recommendation is to screen every patient 12 years and older at least once every year, and patients receiving an at-risk score (total score of 10 or more) should be screened every month.
The data used for analysis on this page include encounters for patients 12 years old and older. The default data selection includes all visits within the last year from the most recent data submission (August 2022). The data selection can be adjusted in the drop-down on the left-hand side of the screen.

Behavioral health referrals

Notes: Screens with an at-risk result (score of 10 or more) are included in this graph.


GAD-7 is a standardized initial screening tool for generalized anxiety disorder. The general recommendation is to screen every patient 12 years and older at least once every year, and patients receiving an at-risk score (total score of 10 or more) should be screened every month.
The data used for analysis on this page include encounters for patients 12 years old and older. The default data selection includes all visits within the last year from the most recent data submission (August 2022). The data selection can be adjusted in the drop-down on the left-hand side of the screen.

Behavioral Health Referrals

Notes: Screens with an at-risk result (score of 10 or more) are included in this graph.


AUDIT-C is a standardized alcohol screen that reliably identifies patients who are hazardous drinkers or have active alcohol use disorders. The general recommendation is to screen every patient 18 years and older at least once every year, and patients receiving an at-risk score (total score of 3 or more for females and 4 or more for males) should be screened every 90 days.
The data used for analysis on this page include encounters for patients 18 years old and older. The default data selection includes all visits within the last year from the most recent data submission (August 2022). The data selection can be adjusted in the drop-down on the left-hand side of the screen.

Behavioral health referrals

Notes: Screens with an at-risk result (score of 3 or more for females and 4 or more for males) are included in this graph.


AUDIT-C-Plus-2 is a standardized screening tool that identifies substance use (alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs). The general recommendation is to screen every patient 18 years and older at least once every year, and patients receiving an at-risk score (total score of 2 or more) should be screened every 90 days.
The data used for analysis on this page include encounters for patients 18 years old and older. The default data selection includes all visits within the last year from the most recent data submission (August 2022). The data selection can be adjusted in the drop-down on the left-hand side of the screen.

Behavioral health referrals

Notes: Screens with an at-risk result (score of 2 or greater) are included in this graph.


AUDIT-C-Plus-2 is a standardized screening tool that identifies substance use (alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs). The general recommendation is to screen every patient 18 years and older at least once every year, and patients receiving an at-risk score (total score of 1 or more) should be screened every 90 days.
The data used for analysis on this page include encounters for patients 18 years old and older. The default data selection includes all visits within the last year from the most recent data submission (August 2022). The data selection can be adjusted in the drop-down on the left-hand side of the screen.

Behavioral health referrals

Notes: Screens with an at-risk result (score greater than 0) are included in this graph.


Note: The patient ID entered must match the ID submitted to JG Research and Evaluation for the IBH project. This may not necessarily be the EMR number.

Patient's most recent screens

Patient ID:
Patient age at most recent encounter:
Total number of encounter dates on record:
Note: The screens displayed in the table are the screens the patient is eligible for based on their age at their most recent encounter. PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 are combined - only the most recent screen is displayed. If the patient received both the PHQ-2 and the PHQ-9 on the same day, the PHQ-9 score is displayed here. If a patient was screened more than once on the most recent screen date for one of the screeners, the score shown here is the highest score from that date. For encounters since last screen, each encounter date is only counted once, even if a patient had multiple encounters within one day.